Our Profile
Allied healthcare Council of India is registered in Delhi under the SR Act 1860, Section 21. The core intent of the Allied healthcare Council of India promotes all over India.
The objective of the Allied healthcare Council of India is to ensure that educational opportunities for the development of Primary Health Care
Our Vision
To recognize ourselves in the leadership position among the best center for excellence in education, training, practice, and research to meet the challenges concerned to human health.
Our Mission
The Allied healthcare Council of India is to prepare students to contribute to a global society and diverse workforce as productive, responsible, and engaged citizens and as well-educated health care professionals.
What Our Students Say

Manisha Singh
StudentAllied Healthcare Council India Education provides lots of practical exposure which of great help during our placement interviews, Allied Healthcare Council India Education has provided me with great opportunity as I am working as Lab technician at Anandpur Trust. Here infrastructure and classes are good, labs are well equipped.
Studentalways believed in helping and guiding its students and it was no different during the placement season. Regular classes held at our institute to help us with our aptitude and technical skills are of great help.

Dinesh singh
StudentClassrooms are good with whiteboards and projectors installed. Labs are mostly efficient in all the required materials during practicals.We are getting enough of practical knowledge here.